
The Red Pyramid Puzzle

I’m being told that people are in fact making their way through these very difficult puzzles. Some have even gotten past Puzzle #3.

Puzzle #3, like Puzzle #1, is another webcam puzzle (although it looks like you don’t necessarily need the webcam to solve it). But if you do try the webcam and use the book itself, it seems like the audio messages that were found online are very important. They will somehow let you know what pages to turn to. Do you remember this audio sample I found online?

Apparently there are two more versions out there, although I’m not sure they’ve been posted online yet. Has anyone seen these tapes? Here are few more representations of them:

Good luck! The puzzles are designed to be super hard, but all those who finish will win a chance at the grand prize — an all-expense paid trip to visit me on tour next fall when The Lost Hero comes out!

Meanwhile, I’m having a great time on tour. Thanks to the sold-out crowds who came to my events in NYC and Philadelphia. Tonight, Politics & Prose parking lot party in D.C. Come join us for some Egyptian magic and mystery!

Rick Riordan